Wiltshire ham………but not as you know it!

Kindadukish's Blog - I am not a number, I am a free man (The Prisoner)


Today I went to do some supermarket shopping and as is always my policy I try to buy British meat whenever possible to support the beleaguered farming comment in the UK. Two of my particular favourites are Yorkshire Ham and Wiltshire Ham, so as I made my way around ASDA supermarket in Huddersfield today I spotted some of the latter on the shelves.

It seemed a reasonable price so I put a pack in my basket and continued to make my way down to the wine department. As I slowly mad my way down the shopping aisles I happened to glance at the package of ham again and suddenly realised that I was not buying British meat. Under the bold lettering of “Breaded Wiltshire Ham” was some much smaller lettering saying “Danish pork leg formed and cooked to a Wiltshire cure recipe, topped with golden breadcrumbs”

I was somewhat shocked…

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