Mid-life crisis? What about late life crisis?

stick_figure_heartbreak_1600_wht_4444More people in their 60s in UK are getting divorced it seems.

According to theInternational Longevity Centre – UK, the divorce rate is dropping for everyone except these so-called “silver splitters“. Their divorce rate soared by 85% between 1990 and 2012. It’s estimated that it will increase by 41% by 2037 meaning that 10% of all divorces will be in this age group.

And the experts say that will mean more lonely, sick, and impoverished singles.

Why is this happening? ILC-UK believe it’s partly because people are getting married later. Also women are more financially independent nowadays and divorce is not seen as such a terrible thing anymore.

Also we’re living longer. Not so long ago people didn’t expect to live so long after retirement, men in particular might be lucky to get 5 years as a pensioner (life expectancy for a man in 1980 was 71 and for a woman 77).

With improved healthcare that’s no longer the case so the thought of your formerly beloved partner hanging around for another 20 years might not be as appealing.

ILC-UK believes that these changes present fresh challenges to both society and the individuals concerned. “Increasing divorce rates … might result in greater isolation, illness and the need for more formal care. Individuals don’t expect to divorce so when it happens they may find themselves in difficult financial circumstances”
grandma_cane_fencing_500_wht_192But it’s not all gloom and doom. With divorce – or even without it – many pensioners are finding a new lease of life with new partners and, according to all the surveys, enjoying a good sex life.

Which is not entirely risk-free with a reported incase in STDs among older generations.